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Collector Installation

This document covers installation of the Collector. For more information on Collectors and how they fit into the SIFF Platform refer to the Collectors & Agents section in Getting Started.

Download / Install

Note: To add a repository and install packages sudo or root access is required.

Install via Package Repository

  • For yum (rpm) based distributions:
    1. Download the appropriate repository file for your system. Refer to the SIFF Repositories table below.
    2. Install the repository file: copy the .repo file to /etc/yum.repos.d/.
    3. Update the packages: run sudo yum update
    4. Install the Collector package: run sudo yum install siff-collector

  • For apt (deb) based distributions:
    1. Install the SIFF repository signing key:
      curl | sudo apt-key add -
    2. Download the appropriate repository file for your system. Refer to the SIFF Repositories table below.
    3. Install the repository file: copy the .list file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.
    4. Update the packages: run sudo apt-get update
    5. Install the Collector package: run sudo apt-get install siff-collector

SIFF Repositories

Distribution Architecture Type Repository
RHEL 8 x86_64 yum siff_rhel_8.repo
RHEL 7 x86_64 yum siff_rhel_7.repo
RHEL 6 x86_64 yum siff_rhel_6.repo
CentOS 8 x86_64 yum siff_centos_8.repo
CentOS 7 x86_64 yum siff_centos_7.repo
CentOS 6 x86_64 yum siff_centos_6.repo
Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2 x86_64 yum siff_amzn2.repo
Ubuntu LTS: 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 x86_64 apt siff.list

Manual Installation

For systems that cannot access the package repository directly then the latest package can be downloaded and installed manually:

  1. Download the appropriate package for your system:
  2. Copy the package to the target system
  3. Install the package:
    • .rpm: sudo rpm -Uvh siff-collector-latest.x86_64.rpm
    • .deb: sudo dpkg -i siff-collector.deb

Note: For Windows installation the collector configuration can be provided during install time. To use this option make sure to have a copy of collector.yml before running the installer (see Configure below)

  1. Download the Windows installer: siffcollector-latest.exe
  2. Run the installer to complete the installation.
  1. Download the macOS installer: siff-collector-latest.img
  2. Run the installer to complete the installation.


Collector Configuration

The collector must be configured to connect to SIFF and, in particular, your organization instance within the SIFF Platform.

  1. Within the Admin app, browse to the Setup page -> Collector Setup tab
  2. Click the Download collector.yml button to download the Collector configuration for your environment.
  3. Copy this file onto the Collector system in the installation directory: /opt/siff/
  4. Update file ownership (as root): chown siff:siff /opt/siff/collector.yml
  5. Restart the Collector service (as root): service siff-collector start

Collector Configuration

The collector must be configured to connect to SIFF and, in particular, your organization instance within the SIFF Platform.

  1. Within the Admin app, browse to the Setup page -> Collector Setup tab
  2. Click the Download collector.yml button to download the Collector configuration for your environment.
  3. Copy this file onto the Collector system in the installation directory: C:\Program Files\siff\
  4. Restart the Collector service.

Collector Configuration

The collector must be configured to connect to SIFF and, in particular, your organization instance within the SIFF Platform.

  1. Within the Admin app, browse to the Setup page -> Collector Setup tab
  2. Click the Download collector.yml button to download the Collector configuration for your environment.
  3. Copy this file onto the Collector system in the installation directory: /Applications/siff/
  4. Restart the Collector service.