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Accessing SIFF

General Authentication

Depending on which region and account type you would have been send a default link to access SIFF. For example:

By default after authenticating users are redirected to the Activity app, or Billing app for billing-only users.

App URLs

The following URLs can be used to directly link to specific apps within SIFF.

URL Description Required Role Change app user, operator, admin Activity app user, operator, admin Config app user, operator, admin Monitor app operator, admin Policy app operator, admin Automation app operator, admin Admin app admin Billing app billing

Accessing an application if not already authenticated will redirect to authentication, but on successful authentication will redirect back to the app.

Deep Linking

SIFF apps support deep linking for conveneniece and to help integrate with external tools. When navigating an app any URL could be used to link directly to the content shown - in addition there are some specific URL endpoints available to assist with common tasks.

Activity Searches

The table below explains the available search parameters and whether they can be combined or not. Some examples are given below the table.

Param Description
changeID Special search for change ID and 24 hr activity window. Cannot be used with any other params.
tag Perform search for specified Tag or Change Request ID. Defaults to users current activity window but can also be used with from/to and other filters.
issue Set to either "true" or "false" to search for entries with/without the issue flag. Defaults to users current activity window but can also be used with from/to and other filters.
address Perform activity search for specified element address (hostname, IP, CIDR, container). Defaults to users current activity window but can also be used with from/to and other filters.
savedSearch Perform search using an existing Saved Search. Set this to the Name of the Saved Search. Can also be used with other filters.
from & to Specify the activity search time window. Accepted formats are absolute time in ISO 8601 date+time (e.g 2007-04-05T14:30Z) or expressions (e.g. now-7d). For more information on the supported expressions refer to the ElasticSearch Date Math documentation.
refreshInterval Set to a non-zero value in seconds to enable auto-refresh.
play Set this to false to pause auto-refresh (only applies if refreshInterval is non-zero).
filters Can be used to construct any filter possible via the search UI. It is recommended to construct the filter using the UI and then copy the result.


  1. Search for tag myTag over the past 7 days:
  2. Search for entries with address over the past 12hrs:
  3. Search using existing mySearch Saved Search:

Config Searches

The table below explains the available search parameters and whether they can be combined or not. Some examples are given below the table.

Param Description
changeID Search for specific change ID. Cannot be used with filters.
tag Perform search for specified Tag or Change Request ID. Can also be used with filters.
issue Set to either "true" or "false" to search for entries with/without the issue flag. Can also be used with filters.
address Perform activity search for specified element address (hostname, IP, CIDR, container). Can also be used with filters.
to Specify the config time window (only entries modified prior to this date). Accepted formats are absolute time in ISO 8601 date+time (e.g 2007-04-05T14:30Z) or expressions (e.g. now-7d). For more information on the supported expressions refer to the ElasticSearch Date Math documentation.
refreshInterval Set to a non-zero value in seconds to enable auto-refresh.
play Set this to false to pause auto-refresh (only applies if refreshInterval is non-zero).
filters Can be used to construct any filter possible via the search UI. It is recommended to construct the filter using the UI and then copy the result.


  1. Search for entries related to a Change Request CR123:
  2. Search for entries with address

Change Request Searches

The table below explains the available search parameters and whether they can be combined or not. Some examples are given below the table.

Param Description
changeRequest Search for specific change request by ID. Cannot be used with filters.
tag Perform search for specified Tag or Change Request ID. Can also be used with filters.
address Perform activity search for specified element address (hostname, IP, CIDR, container). Can also be used with filters.
from & to Specify the change request search time window. Accepted formats are absolute time in ISO 8601 date+time (e.g 2007-04-05T14:30Z) or expressions (e.g. now-7d). For more information on the supported expressions refer to the ElasticSearch Date Math documentation.
refreshInterval Set to a non-zero value in seconds to enable auto-refresh.
play Set this to false to pause auto-refresh (only applies if refreshInterval is non-zero).
filters Can be used to construct any filter possible via the search UI. It is recommended to construct the filter using the UI and then copy the result.


  1. Search for entries related to a Change Request CR123:
  2. Search for entries with address

Automation Jobs

For situations where automation jobs are associated with an external change management ticket, event management event/fault, or other ticket or system it can be useful to link directly to a specific job. For example:

  1. Show Job EX3722104205:

API Access

Refer to the API Guide for more information.