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Agent Installation

This document covers installation of the Agent. For more information on Agents and how they fit into the SIFF Platform refer to the Collectors & Agents section in Getting Started.

Download / Install

  1. Download the Windows installer: siffagent-latest.exe
  2. Run the installer to complete the installation.

Note: To add a repository and install packages sudo or root access is required.

Install via Package Repository

  • For yum (rpm) based distributions:
    1. Download the appropriate repository file for your system. Refer to the SIFF Repositories table below.
    2. Install the repository file: copy the .repo file to /etc/yum.repos.d/.
    3. Update the packages: run sudo yum update
    4. Install the Agent package: run sudo yum install siff-agent

  • For apt (deb) based distributions:
    1. Install the SIFF repository signing key:
      curl | sudo apt-key add -
    2. Download the appropriate repository file for your system. Refer to the SIFF Repositories table below.
    3. Install the repository file: copy the .list file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.
    4. Update the packages: run sudo apt-get update
    5. Install the Agent package: run sudo apt-get install siff-agent

SIFF Repositories

Distribution Architecture Type Repository
RHEL 8 x86_64 yum siff_rhel_8.repo
RHEL 7 x86_64 yum siff_rhel_7.repo
RHEL 6 x86_64 yum siff_rhel_6.repo
CentOS 8 x86_64 yum siff_centos_8.repo
CentOS 7 x86_64 yum siff_centos_7.repo
CentOS 6 x86_64 yum siff_centos_6.repo
Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2 x86_64 yum siff_amzn2.repo
Ubuntu LTS: 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 x86_64 apt siff.list

Manual Installation

For systems that cannot access the package repository directly then the latest package can be downloaded and installed manually:

  1. Download the appropriate package for your system:
  2. Copy the package to the target system
  3. Install the package:
    • .rpm: sudo rpm -Uvh siff-agent-latest.x86_64.rpm
    • .deb: sudo dpkg -i siff-agent.deb


The Agent must be configured to connect to a Collector. Since an environment may have multiple Collectors, then choose the most appropriate collector for the Agent to connect to.

    • Linux/UNIX Collector: /opt/siff/agent.yml
    • Windows Collector: C:\Program Files\Siff\agent.yml

    From the system running the appropriate Collector, obtain a copy of the following files:

    and the Collector certificate required for secure communications:

    • Linux/UNIX Collector: /opt/siff/cert/collector.cert
    • Windows Collector: C:\Program Files\Siff\cert\collector.cert
  1. On the system running the Agent:

    • Copy the agent.yml file to: C:\Program Files\Siff\
    • Copy the collector.cert file to: C:\Program Files\Siff\cert\
  2. Restart the Agent service.

The Agent must be configured to connect to a Collector. Since an environment may have multiple Collectors, then choose the most appropriate collector for the Agent to connect to.

    • Linux/UNIX Collector: /opt/siff/agent.yml
    • Windows Collector: C:\Program Files\Siff\agent.yml

    From the system running the appropriate Collector, obtain a copy of the following files:

    and the Collector certificate required for secure communications:

    • Linux/UNIX Collector: /opt/siff/cert/collector.cert
    • Windows Collector: C:\Program Files\Siff\cert\collector.cert
  1. On the system running the Agent (as root):

    • Copy the agent.yml file to: /opt/siff/
    • Update file ownership: chown siff:siff /opt/siff/agent.yml
    • Copy the collector.cert file to: /opt/siff/cert/
    • Update file ownership: chown siff:siff /opt/siff/cert/collector.cert
  2. Restart the Agent service: service siff-agent start